
Petroleum Drilling

Drilling for oil  is one of the most important things in any economy, as oil means life for most industries. It can make a poor country rich in very short time.As the world is running out of this source of energy it is getting more value than ever. And we can notice the positive effect of oil extraction on Arabic  countries economy and other oil deposits around the world

The drilling operation requires high technique engineering and expert people  to get the job done in perfect way. It is a heavy industry needs  heavy equipment. On the scientific face it also very useful, geologists can identify the geologic reservoirs through the oil. It gets in almost every industry, for example, fuel for vehicles and factories and allot of things run on gas or oil, clothes made from chemical fibers , roads asphalt, and so many things that nobody can imagine

Though nothing have only good staff specially at dealing with the nature, it is very dangerous and carry a lot of risks during and after the extracting. The next video show animation explanation of the extraction process