petroleum drilling in water

There are massive oil deposits under the ocean bed that make companies of oil extraction Obsessed to get it out.the first offshore oil drilling was in 1938 in the area of the gulf of Mexico. After that people know that something called offshore oil drilling and began to search for it around the world under the ocean floor. On the other hand, many people have an opposition of this kind of drilling due to its environmental bad effect and also the oil spills on the coasts.
The process of extraction varies a lot, depending on the depth and also on the suitable platform, floating or fixed or in case of best mobility it may be ships conducted to the underneath pipes. But every thing from the nature has a price, offshore drilling operation is very dangerous and if something wrong happened the results can be catastrophic, besides it carry the danger of pollution. And for live example of that we can't forget the terrible accident of the gulf of Mexico. the next video show an animation of how pipes driven in water