Deep foundations can be installed by either driving them into the ground by pile drivers or drilling a shaft and filling it with concrete, mass or reinforced. Foundations relying on driven piles have groups of piles headed by a pile cap which is a large concrete block embeds the heads of piles into it. That is to distribute loads which are larger than one pile can bear. Pile foundations often are driven into place by a pile driver (a piece of heavy equipment that raises a weight to a certain height and drops it forcefully onto the top of the pile
The weight forces the pile into the ground until the desired depth is reached. Steel piles' driving is easy, but the concrete ones have to be especially reinforced to withstand the hammer drop over it. In areas where pile driving may not be possible, piles can be drilled and poured in place. Drilling also allows for pile foundations to be used in areas where soil is very dense or hard. Often, drilled piles are formed by using permanent casings, which can then be filled with concrete